Friday 21 April 2017

IVF Week One Almost Done

My period arrived on Sunday so I called the clinic nurses. I had to take a home pregnancy test on Monday morning since I was leaving for a work trip that morning and didn’t have time to go to the lab. It was, of course, the most negative pregnancy test ever. I couldn’t decide which would have been worse – having to go and sit at the lab for a pregnancy test when I know I’m not pregnant, or having to take a home test when you know you’re not pregnant, because even though you have your period and know that after 28 failed cycles the odds of the 29th time working when you haven’t done anything new, watching the test slowly develop you still have that teeny tiny bit of hope that you’re going to be the specialist snowflake of them all that gets a positive test even though you’re bleeding and about to start IVF.

I was able to start the birth control pills on Monday night (cycle day 2). I actually temped Monday morning because I’m so used to doing it. I didn’t bring my thermometer with me on the work trip so I haven’t temped since but I’m still tracking stuff on Fertility Friend. My VIP subscription is about to expire and I’m going to be switching to the free version to keep track of my meds and any symptoms. It is really nice not having the early alarm so I can sleep in a little – with my allergies/morning congestion I have a hard time falling back asleep after temping.

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