Monday 11 July 2016

Two years

July 2014 I went to my doctor for my annual exam and mentioned we were planning on trying to get pregnant by the end of the year. She ordered a bunch of blood and urine tests to check that everything was fine. I found out I was severely iron deficient, received the recommendation that I should start iron supplements and wait about 6 months before trying to get pregnant.

July 2015 I went to my doctor because I was trying to get pregnant but had bleeding from the time I ovulated until I got my period. Not only was I concerned that the bleeding would prevent me from getting pregnant, but it was incredibly annoying to spend 3/4 of my cycle bleeding. Infertility testing was started.

July 2016 I have a male and female combination infertility diagnosis, 3 failed medicated IUIs, 2 failed medicated cycles, and am waiting on a referral to a new reproductive endocrinologist in a different province because I'm moving at the end of the month.

Two years of waiting for my body to cooperate.
Two years of crushed hopes and dreams.
Two years of plans ruined.
Two years of supplements, diet changes, lifestyle changes, books, blood tests, vaginal exams, invasive tests, peeing on sticks, doctor appointments.
Two years and still no baby.

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